Theory - The black blood represents the dirt left behind from S M O K I N G them cigs.
Theory - The black blood represents the dirt left behind from S M O K I N G them cigs.
"Don't be a cuck."
- Some fat wiselad
Smooth animation and accurate reviewing. More people should be there like you, to review games and such.
Thank you!
quite decent. I don't really like the effects to be honest because they feel out of place but I do like the other bits. Smooth.
Brilliant pun to be honest.
Really well animated. The manliest Mario thing I'll ever see. I absolutely loved it.
The amount of Nostalgia I feel is so.....orgasmic.
I may be 15 but I used to see this show daily on Youtube (at the age of 5 actually) 10 years ago, and not since.
I feel like going through the entire series again. It's so enjoyable.
You deserve a 5. All of you beautiful animators.
I S T H A T A M O T H E R F U C K I N G J O J O R E F E RE N C E ?
Artist, Animation enthusiast and Design Student. Newgrounds was always a part of me since I was a kid.
Joined on 8/13/16